Monday, February 16, 2009

I'm 24 now, thats different. Well, a quick update on the film school idea. I've put a lot of thought into it (though not nearly enough, I'm still way off from making a decision). I talked to my parents about it and really got a much better response than I expected. They just expressed concern for financial aid. Who knows how that'll work. But, as I'd anticipated, my dad said "I told you that 6 years ago", which he did. But who knows what is to come?

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Here is what's new

Figured I'd update, its been almost a month. School started up and I'm feeling pretty good about this semester, I have one class a day (all but monday) and wednesday I also have a guitar lesson. I'm finding myself deep in thought a lot lately wondering about the future, reflecting on the past and wondering what is to come. I'm almost done with my graphic design degree and have been planning on finding a job in a church after graduating. I've wondered about a lot of ideas- living abroad for a while, doing a variety of things that I won't be able to do later in life. My experience in Greece has me wondering if living out of the country for a while would be good for me.

I hesitate to even type this next part out, because I know how dangerous this idea can be (and how upset it might make my parents...haha) but in the last few hours, I've started wondering (again...) if I should think about a career in film. Before I started school at Spring Arbor, I seriously considered going to a film school and getting a degree in "video production" of some sort- directing or writing or everything. Suddenly I'm wondering if that is something I should still consider. I'm in no shape to pay for anything right now, so financially its a ridiculous thought, but somehow I wonder if its something I was born to do- cliche as that sounds. A lot of these film programs are a little over a year to 2 years, so it wouldn't be another 4, but more school debt is not something I'm enthusiastic about. I just don't want to be 10 years from now, thinking "I should have gone for that". Anyway, its just a thought, don't put it in stone, but somehow its working its way into my mind. I'm going to be praying about it, I'd love it if others would join in.

Life is pretty good right now, no real complaints. My mind is so wrapped in this film thing that I can't even think about what else I was going to update on. Maybe later.