Monday, April 5, 2010

Reason to celebrate

I was in Grand Rapids last weekend, spending time with my dad and brother mostly, working on "the Labyrinth"- it is a sort of experiential thing we've done at my home church for Easter- Dad and I were helping my brother set it up at his church (which was pretty cool- check out my other blog for details on that-

ANYWAY- we also celebrated a little, because my niece Anna had just accepted Jesus as savior! (A pretty big deal : ) )

It was great just to see Anna! Note her cheesy smile with the cake. She also loves taking pictures, I let her take a few with my d200 (I helped her hold it, but she aimed and pushed the button)...

...I think she might be a better artist than me.
Recently my friends from around here and I decided to watch the movie Zombieland. Now, I'm not a zombie movie kind of guy generally, but I'd heard a lot of good things about this movie, so I thought I'd give it a shot. Now, we decided to have a "make your own pizza"/Zombieland night. Let me preface my opinion of the movie with this: It had a lot of profanity, a fair amount of zombie-gore and some violence. But it was HILARIOUS! And there was no sex- which is huge in my opinion. So, since the first Zombieland/pizza night was so great, we decided to make it a tradition and held our second one just the other day.

The pizza was delicious, the company was great, the movie was good- what else could you ask for?

What else can you ask for? Twinkies. That's what. If you've seen the movie, you'll get it : )

Here's to you, Tallahassee. You've got to enjoy the little things.
And one last thing... My friend Daniel has this awesome Indiana Jones-esque jacket... It is a little small, but I couldn't resist...


Kris Locker said...

WOOOHOOO That is a reason to celebrate!

Brianna said...

Wow, your niece has grown up! So cute!
I appreciate the black olives on that pizza.
Thank you for the blog comment.
I was just looking at old Flickr messages and was re-reading all of our NICE messages back and forth to each other. Do you remember those? I was seriously cracking up reading them. That was so...NICE.

Yeah, life is crazy busy here in Japan. We recently got new class schedules and I am teaching more kids classes, which take much more time to prepare, so that makes me a little stressed. But the kids are super fun (especially the four year olds!)
I'm looking forward to coming home at the end of May. Are you coming with us to Lita's wedding? YOU SHOULD! I miss your face.

P.S. I think we should reinstate the creepy NICE comments on each other's blogs. That would make me happy.

Brianna said...

Pizza and movies...NICE...wish I wasw there to watch movies and eat pizza with YOU. YEAH.

Brianna said...

And by "wasw" I mean "was".