I turned 27 a month ago, which is weird. It has me thinking more and more about what happens with age! I'm realizing (rather suddenly) that I'm a grown up now. I don't often feel that way, though.
With 30 approaching, I'm reminded about what I haven't done with my life yet! There are all of these things that I've put in the "I want to do that someday" category- that have yet to be achieved. Keep in mind, though, that I'm a lot more of a grown up than I was at 25.
So here's the plan:
DO stuff! I have often said "I'm an idea guy."- I have good ideas and love starting things/making preliminary plans, but then often fall off and never make any progress toward the
DOing. So that's my plan-not just doing everything that people suggest, but in following through with all of the ideas I've always wanted to go with.
This means:
Writing and illustrating a story with my sister : )
Going to Alaska on a legit adventure
Treasure hunting on weekends
Getting outside more/Spending time in the wilderness
Pursuing real adventure when the opportunity comes
Take photos (play with new ideas, experiment!)
CampingSo maybe this is sort of a resolution- not for the new year exactly. I just want to make sure I am doing stuff while I can!