Sunday, May 15, 2011

It is 6:25am in Jerusalem, and I am sitting at the public computer in Citadel Hostel, which they tell me used to be some kind of tower. We flew in to Tel Aviv early yesterday morning and this is the first full-ish night's sleep I've had in 3 days or so. But we're here and it is beautiful! Yesterday, the 15th, was known as the Day of Independance for the Israelis and the Day of Catastrophe for the Palestinians. There was a little tension in the air for our first day here, but there was nothing to worry about. We had several long flights, starting in Detroit, then to Chicago then to Warsaw, Poland, and finally to Tel Aviv.

We did a little touring of the city yesterday and went to a Palestinian Christian church, it was great to see and talk to the Christians in this area. We went to the Wailing Wall and the various quarters of the Old City. Today we'll be meeting with a group called Musalaha (that is likely spelled wrong). There are other things on the itinerary, but I don't remember at the moment!

We have a beautiful view from the roof of the hostel, we can see the Dome of the Rock and can almost see the Wailing Wall, along with most of the city. Last night before going to bed, Chris, Karl and I sat up on the roof of a building and ate hummus and bread as we watched the city. I've found this to be an amazing experience already! Keep checking back here for updates!



Patricia said...

Neat! Have you ever eaten hummus before?? What a wonderful opportunity for you! Take care. Love you, your mom :o)

Brianna said...

So glad you made it safely and looking forward to seeing your photos!
Have an amazing time!