Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Camping Weekends 4 & 5

In my continued effort to catch up on posts I wanted to post last year, I present the last post of my summer of camping 2015: Camping Weekends 4 & 5

Camping Weekend 4: So pretty much the moment I got back from Nepal (more like the next day in reality), I was on my way to Canada. A friend had given me (and several others) the opportunity to go to the far side of lake Huron and camp at a mutual friend's property. Though I had planned on camping on the beach, the weather was less than ideal and my tent was bending like I had never seen. Rather than risk losing my tent to breaking and the intense winds, I packed it up and stayed the night inside. Since I had JUST gotten back from Nepal, I was happy to sleep on a bed rather than the ground. So, technically, camping weekend 4 wasn't a real camping weekend. Though I did capture some beautiful shots of the lake and the storm coming in.

Camping weekend 5: As a sort of tradition, I try to go camping once a year with several of my old art major friends (and their spouses). In 2015 we did a 4th of July weekend camping trip near Lake Michigan. Lots of fun was had. A couple of years ago we did an art major trip to Michigan's Upper Peninsula, and I was introduced to Gretchen, the hairstyle model mannequin head you'll see below. One of the group had brought her as a gag, so it showed up in many startling places. She was given to me to take care of for a while, so when it came time for art camping, I brought her along. She was seat-belted for safety.

We spent some time at the lake, which always inspires me. The vast peacefulness of the lake always speaks to me- to my soul somehow.

One of our old art major friends is a mom now, and she and her husband brought their little guy along for the ride. He was quite a trooper. Here "uncle Dan" babysits for a bit on the beach.

Gretchen again.

The camping was good and the company was great. I'm so glad to still be in touch with this gang,

So that was my last update for my 2015 summer of camping- 5 camping trips plus a 10 day camping/working adventure in Nepal. I'd say I did pretty well, but I can always do more! The weather is warming up and I'm starting to feel that familiar pull. Time for camping! God is good.

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