Tuesday, January 17, 2012


Hey guys! So I just told you guys about my love of illustration and storytelling, right? Well, I've been going to Salvation Army a lot lately (or "the Salv", as I've come to know it), and last night I bought 5 books for $1.75. That is ridiculous, right? I love cheap books.

But, this is just a byproduct of my desire to read and understand more "adventury" stories. I'm almost through the book titled "Redwall" and I love it! I've been devouring it at every opportunity.

I've been loving the feeling of reading these books, but it also awakens the storyteller in me! I feel like when I'm at work, all I want to do is get away and read and draw- I'd LOVE to be able to be an author/illustrator of a book. Rachel (my sister) and I have been putting a story together for over a year now (we haven't had lots of time together to work on it), and it is inspiring to me!

So here and now, I'm making a mental note: I'm going to do whatever I can to make this story a reality. I'd love to co-write and illustrate this and then have it published. Sounds simple enough, right? Ha...

Anyway, my hopes are high and I'm loving it.

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